Yoga Asanas to Manage Insomnia: Easy Exercises to Improve Sleep and Better Health

Yoga Asanas to Manage Insomnia: Easy Exercises to Improve Sleep and Better Health

When it comes to staying fit and healthy, the discussion mostly focuses on diet and exercise. While these two factors are certainly very important, what is often overlooked is the importance of good sleep. Founder of Akshar Yoga Institutes, Himalayan Siddha Akshar says that “For all the functions and organs of the body to function properly, the body needs adequate sleep for rest and recovery. By doing so, stress – which many The primary cause of diseases is to be avoided.” ,

Talking about the importance of sleep, Himalayan Siddha Akshar says, “Manage your sleep schedule and aim for 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night. You will feel good in your heart about it. Sleep like insomnia “Related disorders can harm the body and mind.” They do not get the necessary rest, which can cause many problems. They can have minor to major undesirable side effects, such as irritability, lethargy, decreased productivity, fatigue, stress, depression, and weight gain.”

Yoga asanas and breathing techniques to manage insomnia

Himalayan Siddha Akshar shares several asanas and breathing techniques that can promote good sleep and help you manage insomnia.

1. Balasana – Child’s Pose

Construction of seat:

· Slowly bend your knees down

· Sit with the pelvis down on the heels

· Instead of placing the toes on top of each other, the right and left toes should be next to each other.

· Extend your arms to tilt your forehead down

2. Sukhasana – Happy Pose

Construction of seat:

· Sit straight in any sitting position

Spread both legs

· Place your feet one above the other

· Place your palms on your knees

3. Vajrasana – Vajra Pose

This yoga asana can be done immediately after eating food.

Construction of seat:

· Slowly bend your knees down

· Sit the pelvis down on the heels

· Keep the heels close together and palms upwards on the knees

· Straighten your back and look forward

4. Siddhoham Kriya

There are 5 steps to practice Siddhoham Abhyas, the direction (direction) is towards east. This exercise is ideal to be done during sunrise, and each step should be held for 1 minute.

a) homeostasis

Construction of seat:

· Stand with your spine straight and an erect posture

· Place your arms at your sides, with your palms facing outward

· Close your eyes slowly

Breathing method: Inhale and exhale slowly

b) opening salutation

posture formation

· Join your palms in front of your chest so that your elbows are aligned with your wrists.

· Slowly close your eyes and bow down

Breathing Method Inhale as you join your palms and exhale slowly as you bend over

c) receipt status

posture formation

· Raise your arms straight up and extend them at a 45 degree angle and turn your palms inward

· Close your eyes slowly

Breathing method: Inhale as you raise your arms and exhale slowly as you open them

d) Kritistha

posture formation

· Place your right palm first on your heart chakra and cover it with the left palm

· Close your eyes slowly

Breathing method: Inhale as you raise your arms and exhale slowly as you open them

e) salutation (closing) position

posture formation

Join your palms in front of your chest so that your elbows are aligned with your wrists.

· Close your eyes slowly

Breathing method: inhale and exhale

“Getting enough sleep improves your memory, reduces your risk of cancer, helps you lose weight, and gives you more energy and alertness. Try these simple asanas and meditation techniques that can relieve insomnia and can help you get the rest you need,” says Himalayan. Siddha letters.

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