Cervical Cancer: Specific Cervical Health Concerns at Different Stages of Life – Expert Shares 3 Tips

Cervical Cancer: Specific Cervical Health Concerns at Different Stages of Life – Expert Shares 3 Tips

Cervical health is a paramount concern for women, who evolve through different life stages. In early adulthood, regular screening is important to detect precancerous changes. Expert insights emphasize lifestyle choices that reduce risks. During pregnancy, the health of the cervix is ​​of utmost importance, which requires consistent check-ups. The years after menopause require vigilance as hormonal changes affect the cervical tissues. The expert interviewed revealed three important suggestions: prioritizing screening, promoting healthy lifestyles, and adopting proactive health care. Crafting an authentic narrative requires a nuanced approach while acknowledging the evolving nature of cervical health concerns.

According to Dr. Rahul Kanaka, Consultant – Surgical Oncology, Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road and Hebbal, “Cervical cancer remains a significant health concern among Indian women, ranking second in prevalence. Despite being preventable, lack of awareness contributes to the high incidence of cervical cancer.”

Let us explore the recommendations for cervical cancer prevention and look at age-specific concerns at different life stages, shared by Dr. Rahul Kanaka:

general recommendations

1. Regular screening: Emphasize the importance of regular cervical cancer screening to facilitate early detection of potential problems and prompt treatment.

2. Healthy Lifestyle: Advocate a healthy diet and regular exercise to boost overall immunity while helping prevent cervical cancer.

3. Timely reporting: Encourage individuals to report any unusual symptoms promptly, enabling health professionals to address concerns at an early stage.

Age-Specific Concerns

1. Adolescence (10-19 years):

– Focus: Education on safe sexual behavior.

– Prevention: Prioritize HPV vaccination for effective prevention.

2. Reproductive Age (20-39 years):

– Screening: Recommend regular Pap smears to detect pre-malignant conditions.

– Prevention: promoting safe sex, contraception and monitoring of cervical changes.

3. Perimenopausal and menopause (40s-50s):

– Screening: Advocating strict Pap smear testing with opportunistic testing during hospital admission.

– Frequency: Conduct regular Pap smears; Consider annual or triennial testing, depending on the method used (for example, liquid-based cytology).

4. Old age (60+ years):

-Continued surveillance: Continue Pap smear testing, consider discontinuing testing after age 65 if the last three results are negative.

“Knowing about cervical cancer and its risks helps people make smart choices about their health. Talking openly about it can make it less scary and encourage more women to get screened and take preventative steps. “By spreading awareness about cervical cancer and working together, we can do this.” Can make a difference. We can save lives and ensure women everywhere have the knowledge and support to stay healthy. Let’s work towards a future where cervical cancer is preventable, giving a brighter future for women everywhere.” Dr. Veena Agarwal, CMD and Group Editor-in-Chief, IJCP Group and MedTalk, Heart Care Foundation of India, gynecologists and women’s health experts.

Dr. Rahul concluded, “It is important to address cervical health concerns at different stages of life and take the right measures to prevent cervical cancer. Administration of vaccination during the late teens and early twenties, Regular screening during reproductive and peri-menopausal age, and safe sex practices can significantly help in reducing the burden of cervical cancer. With proper awareness and preventive measures, we can strive towards a future where cervical Cancer should become a rarity rather than a prevalent threat.”

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